taking stock | november's end

us |making| my home feel warm and festive and inviting.  twinkling lights and crackling candles and sparkling things and thick blankets. |cooking| lots of roasted vegetables.  we are all about sweet root veggies with crispy bits. |drinking| lemon water to start my day + herbal tea + locally roasted coffee + boutique red wines. |reading| john piper + health and wellness articles + the very hungry caterpillar + olivia + harold and the purple crayon + kate spade "things we love" |wanting| everything flannel and wool. |looking| forward to 2014. |playing| all the Christmas music. |wasting| paper coffee cups and plastic lids.  'tis the season. |sewing| projects with my mom are so amazing.  i hope to learn her tricks and be even half as talented and meticulous.  these are the pass-on-able things in life. |wishing| that it would snow.  just the teensiest bit. |enjoying| my 12 dates of Christmas with my husband.  and while getting dressed up and going out is splendid...i am truly loving the simple times at home.  sitting together.  sharing our lives.  talking about dreams and plans.  discussing disappointments and joys.  setting goals.  deepening. |waiting| for santa to arrive... |liking| to wear my puffy Uggs on every shopping excursion. |wondering| what elinor's hair color will be. |loving| the way that elinor nuzzles as i sing to her at bedtime and nods her head "yes" during "Jesus Loves Me" |hoping| i will find the perfect indoor plant for our room. |marveling| at God's grace. |needing| a fresh 'do |smelling| cinnamon + pine + lavender + coffee + garlic + ginger + serge lutens chergui + sandalwood + calendula {not all together} |wearing| ankle cords and bass weejuns.  on rotation.  wishing that i could just wear waffle pjs, fuzzy socks, and an oversized sweater in front of a roaring fire all day long. |following| hard after my Savior.  trying each day.  getting up and going at it again. |noticing| the dark and clear sky at night.  the bright stars.  the crisp air.  the stillness. |knowing| that i am blessed. |thinking| about what our little family will be like in ten years. |feeling| full. |bookmarking| all the j.crew necklaces + wooden toys for elinor + vacation rentals + community projects + bright statement pieces + anything tufted + crushed velvet + homes + mama-mobiles + my Bible study |opening| a new lipstick and mascara. |giggling| at elinor's endless expressions.

i found the inspiration for this post here.  feel free to participate.