on beyond zebra!

ever since i snagged this striped little cutie as a springtime wardrobe staple, i have had stripes on the brain.  prison stripes, zebra stripes, pinstripes.

oh how i am currently loving this look.  and this look, it reminds me of this little book...

on beyond zebra, by dr. suess


my alphabet starts with this letter called yuzz.  it’s the letter i use to spell yuzz-a-ma-tuzz.  you’ll be sort of surprised what there is to be found once you go beyond z and start poking around!  so, on beyond zebra! explore! like columbus! discover new letters! like wum is for wumbus, my high-spouting whale who lives high on a hill and who never comes down ‘till it’s time to refill. so, on beyond z! it’s high time you were shown that you really don’t know all there is to be known.  if you stay home with zebra, you’re stuck in a rut. but on beyond zebra, you’re anything but!  when you go beyond zebra, who knows…? there’s no telling what wonderful things you might find yourself spelling!  so you see! there’s no end to the things you might know, depending how far beyond zebra you go! i led him around and I tried hard to show there are things beyond z that most people don’t know.  i took him past zebra as far as i could. and i think, perhaps, maybe i did him some good…

with that book in mind, i invite you to see how yuzz-a-ma-tuzzy these striped looks can be!  now go beyond zebra!  add more stripes to your life!  have fun with the patterns.  add color to life.  go beyond zebra!  put some zazz in your step.  giving your closet and home just a little more pep.