taking stock | june's end

IMG_1260 IMG_1263 IMG_1261 IMG_1264 making // silly faces. cooking // nothing. my awesome man is taking care of all that these days and he is killing it. drinking // my bodyweight in water and coconut water. reading // scripture to our little man. wanting // another slice of ben's delicious bread. looking // at dance classes for elinor. playing // bob dylan on repeat. because elinor is obsessed with him. wasting // wipes and diapers. newborns. sheesh. sewing // still nada. wishing // that i could fast-forward and freeze time, all at once. enjoying // morning snuggles with my family. waiting // for ben and elinor to return from the store. liking // ridley's soft baby blankets. loving // life. hoping // in God's promises. marveling // at elinor's maturity + my man's attentiveness and kindness + ridley's growth and changes. needing // a fresh mascara. smelling // clary sage. wearing // strapless terry dresses. cool for summer and perfect for lounging and breastfeeding. noticing // how quickly the hours pass. knowing // that i am loved. thinking // about some mini-getaway ideas. feeling // all the feelings. bookmarking // the book of romans + our children's storybook bible + my j.crew catalogue. opening // a green chia kombucha. giggling // at funny baby expressions and elinor's jokes.

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