bébé numéro deux | 27 weeks


progress & countdown: 27 weeks down & 91 days to go. we are officially in the 7th month and on our way into the 3rd trimester. i am completely amazed at how close that sounds. also, almost under the 90 day mark too? that's out of control, right?

baby size: a head of cauliflower

food & drink: speaking of cauliflower...i have been eating a lot of that. and other veg. roasted or paired with hummus. in salad form. whatever. i have also been eating a lot of fruit. a ridiculous amount of fruit, actually. breakfast is piles of fruit with some nuts and coconut and chia and hemp and such. lunch is fresh juice or green kombucha with tons of salad or raw veg with dip. i eat A LOT of that stuff during the day to fill me up but keep it light...and nights are a bit more hearty. it seems to be working quite nicely for mama and baby, especially on these warmer days.

bump stuff: it is here. yes, indeed. getting bigger and moving a ton. and by the end of the day - look out! large and in charge. i can't believe that baby still has *at least* 4 pounds to go. big things to come, in the next NINETY DAYS. 90 DAYS. NINE. ZERO.

highs: al fresco family dinners...including the yummiest pizza night + great things happening for ben + busy and productive days + springtime flowers from elinor + early morning workouts + fun collaborations + planning upcoming social engagements and such

lows: not much here. other than major spreading sensations in my pelvis and some ligament fun. oh pregnancy, you are a jerk sometimes.

new developments: baby boy is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking on his fingers. baby weighs almost two pounds and is about 14.5 inches long with his legs fully extended. his brain tissue is rapidly developing and his brain is very active now. the lungs are still immature but they would be capable of functioning – with a lot of medical assistance – if he were to be born now.

meaningful moments & hormones & feelings: feeling blissed out and content right now. so happy about the third trimester! and crazily enough, really looking forward to labor. and, of course, having another itty-bitty in our home!

superficial stuff: i am feeling pregnant. that's all. it is neither here nor there. i just feel it more these days. my reflection is that of a pregnant lady...and it still catches me by surprise when i see it.

looking forward to: my next appointment + dinner dates + transitioning E to her big girl bed (prayers are appreciated) 

AND hey! while we are talking pregnancy, here are some snippets from my feature last week on the pregnancy perfect blog for the #runningthe9monthmarathon series! you know, just in case you missed it OR if you were one of the early birds who read it first thing - before a few final edits could be made to eliminate some cut-and-paste oopsies.

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want more? you can read the whole interview HERE.


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