le bump / 17 weeks

17 weeks

here’s looking at you, kid.

progress & countdown: 17 weeks down & 158 days to go

baby size: a turnip

food & drink: these days, it’s LOTS of protein and veg and fats. big bowls of fruit sound glorious (hello, pomegranate season) and i am sucking back all the smoothies. also, toasted sourdough with peanut butter and honey is always a good idea. by the time dinner rolls around, the bump feels like it has doubled in size so dinners haven’t been as hearty as they once were. smaller portions spread throughout the day is much better for the belly.

bump stuff: the bump is taking shape. depending on the time of day, it can be somewhat camouflaged. by day’s end, you can really see that something is going on. and with the baby growth spurt and upcoming thanksgiving feast, i have no doubt that things will be really popping super soon.

highs: maybe kinda sorta feeling some flutters? it could also be my lunch… starting to look and feel like a proper pregnant lady. long talks about family dynamic possibilities when he or she arrives.

lows: losing midsection space for holding food. i love a big helping at mealtime but i have had to take it back a notch so i don’t regret it later.

new developments: head to rump, baby is around 5 inches long and weighs almost 6 ounces. baby’s skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone. sweat glands are starting to develop. the umbilical cord is thickening up quite nicely.

meaningful moments & hormones & feelings: my mood has been steady but this time of the year always makes me a bit nostalgic so cue the misty eyes at silly things. feeling super excited to get to sneak a peek of little one and hopefully, learn if we are having a boy or girl. patience is a hard thing…

superficial stuff: starting to think about pregnancy wardrobe. i haven’t purchased maternity clothes in the past and always like to make my clothes last as long as possible before purchasing some new things and sizing up. but this time around, i am thinking about snagging some maternity pants / jeans. that actually sounds kinda fun. maybe it is just this time of the year and that desire will pass and i will stick with my beloved dresses until may. or maybe, i will take the plunge. brand recommendations are welcome.

looking forward to: designing the nursery. why is nesting starting so early? maybe it just 2020 for ya, but i am looking forward to a room redesign and shopping and creating the baby stash. eep! such fun.