the saturday evening post

another week has whizzed by!  i can't believe that the weekend is here!  it has already been full and fun...with much more in store!  my sweet hubby volunteered to play "back up" on the violin for a youth concert at our church last night [he is a good man] and then we were able to spend the remainder of the evening relaxing and enjoying some down time together [with our cute little furry critters].

today started with a trip to the market to stock up on our goodies and ingredients for the week. we've also been munching on some goo-ood food.  all in all, not too shabby for a saturday!  we have big plans for a movie night at home tonight because tomorrow we will be busy buzzing around town from church to home to the whitehouse family's house.  whew!  lots to do and lots of fun to be had!  i am looking forward to sharing some time with ben's family since it has been weeks since we've seen his mom and we have much sharing to do.  speaking of travelling mothers...yes, my mom is still up north in the motherland.  geez.  it has been  not to worry, my dad is gallantly joining her next week to visit my grandma, help out, and then bring her home to us on easter sunday.

busy busy.  but oh so good.  i will fill you in on all the delicious details come monday.

toodle-oo for now!