instantanés de la vie

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another week has flown by. i don't want to say "breezed by" because last week wasn't exactly an easy-breezy walk in the park. it was busy. full. all the thoughts - plans - ideas - decisions. and then there was elinor. elinor was a piece of work last week. she was emotional and tough. disobedient. testing limits. disrespectful. trying my patience at every turn. full of attitude and defiance. i lost track of all the NOs that i spoke. and i lost track of all the prayers i prayed. for patience. for mercy and grace. for discernment. this parenting gig is the most taxing and most rewarding thing. God uses the kids (in good and bad) to teach and refine me. truly, He is disciplining me right alongside my discipline of them. it's good for me. so good. but man, sometimes it just zaps my brain. last week was a brain-zapper. elinor's antics on top of the hustle of the week really added up. ben and i were down for the count come friday.


see that face? so delightful and expressive and sassy. she's so darn smart. and curious. and determined. and crafty. but goodness gracious, she's adorable. that button nose and sprightly curls and smirk. praise God for the sweetness and beauty that he created in her to balance out her spice.

and remind me to share a humdinger of a story with you sometime soon. ben happens to think that it was my finest parenting moment yet. and i am sure it will live on in infamy...



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so yeah, the week was kind of nuts at times, but the week was also FILLED with wonderful moments. meals with friends and family. playtime at home. conversation and libations and jazz after the kids were asleep. cooking together. juicing together. sipping tea. morning miles. dance parties with elinor. hearty hugs and slobbery kisses from ridley. READING!!!

you guys, i have two books that i am in the middle of right now and it's awesome. one fiction thriller and one business/change leadership theory book) it has been far two long since i have been engrossed in my reads like this and actually carved out downtime to read them. i am the worst at that. constantly starting books and then shelving them for months and months. i guess the days just get away from me. and usually by late in the day, if i pick up a book before bed instead of keeping my brain engaged in conversation, i nod off. but not this summer. i am a reading machine! and i am realizing how much i have missed it for the past months/years.




but praise God for the weekend. for slow saturdays. productive and reenergizing. and for sabbath. around here, sundays are for long runs, couples yoga, simple pleasures, worship, the arts and leisure section of the NYT, frothy coffee, bread baking, jazz on vinyl, and hearty meals with kith and kin. aaaaaahhhhhh... this sunday was perfect. just what we needed to close the week and start anew.

i am excited to have monday. to have a fresh start. i am hoping to make the most of this new week. to be present. and maybe redirect a few of the NOs that i have been speaking toward some of the time-wasters in my life that are cluttering things or not bringing joy or distracting me from the things that truly matter. i love being productive and engaged but being busy and "hustling" is stupid. and gosh to we sensationalize that stuff, don't we? and i am over it. rest is the new hustle.

this week, i am getting back to basics. i am going to let myself be spoiled by my savior. i am going to be still and know that He is God. i am going to walk by the quiet waters. i am going to find rest and satisfaction in Him, knowing that i am is child and that is enough. that is everything.

here's to enjoying heavenly pleasures! happy monday!
